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Counseling & Coaching Sessions

Get the clarity, strategy, and accountability you need to advance to your next level of life.

In order to get in the posture for greater and much more, you must be clear about what you are doing, why you're doing it, how you're doing it, and whom you are doing it for.

This is your opportunity to map out your next moves, formed as you meet one-on-one with me.

Pink Earth

I am so grateful for the God-ordained mentoring that I am receiving from Dr. Carolyn Love. She is so in touch with God that she doesn’t have to ask me what is going on with me or in my life because God gives her insight and directs her to cover me in prayer—to cover my situations and circumstances in prayer. Immediately, she goes to her prayer closet on my behalf. Then when we talk weeks later, and I start sharing, God reveals the “why” of it all. Now that is the kind of mentor you want, one who is connected to God and obeys with little to no information. I love love love that God connected us.

-Belinda G.

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